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Generating Breakdowns#

One of the best things about the library is its ability to quickly generate a tabular mapping of every character and their presence in the play.

>>> import iambic
>>> import json
>>> play = """
... ## ACT I
... ## SCENE I. A field.
... _Enter FOO from one side, BAR from another._
... **FOO**
... Bar. ...
... **BAR**
... ... Foo!
... _Exeunt, severally_
... """
>>> parsed = iambic.parse.text(play, title="Foo")
>>> print(iambic.render.table(parsed))
Dramatis Personae|First Appearance|Lines|I.i
Foo              |3               |1    |X  
Bar              |5               |1    |X  

As the complexity of the play grows–such as with the Henrys–this resource is invaluable for maintaining a high-level look at where and how characters interact.